AIIMS MSc Nursing Entrance Questions- 2019

The below is the MSc Nursing Entrance Exam Question Paper AIIMS of the year 2019. Candidates can have an idea about how would be the entrance examination of MSc Nursing.

1. Which philosophical thought states that ‘ultimate reality is spiritual rather than physical, mental rather than material’?

A) Idealism

B) Realism

C) Pragmatism

D) Spiritualism

Right Answer: A) Idealism

2. John Dewey was a proponent of

A) Spiritualism

B) Idealism

C) Realism

D) Pragmatism

Right Answer: D) Pragmatism

3. Who among the following proposed that education be designed on the basis of a theory of experience?

A) Socrates

B) John Dewey

C) Aristotle

D) Jean Piaget

Right Answer: B) John Dewey

4. Which one of the following is the traditional philosophy of education?

A) Spiritualism

B) Idealism

C) Naturalism

D) Pragmatism

Right Answer: D) Pragmatism

5. Who provided the most famous example of classical conditioning?

A) Skinner

B) Guthrie’s

C) Ivan Pavlov

D) Maslow

Right Answer: C) Ivan Pavlov

6. Who stated, “education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself”?

A) Jean Piaget

B) Socrates

C) John Dewey

D) Mahatma Gandhi

Right Answer: C) John Dewey

7. “Democracy and Education” (1916) was authored by?

A) Sigmund Freud

B) John Dewey

C) Jean Piaget

D) Jawaharlal Nehru

Right Answer: B) John Dewey

8. The interaction analysis category system in education for increasing the teacher effectiveness was developed by

A) Amidon

B) Simon

C) Flander

D) Richard Over

Right Answer: C) Flanders

9. What stated that “Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains?”

A) Jean Jacques Rousseau

B) Sigmund Freud

C) John Dewey

D) Jean Piaget

Right Answer: A) Jean Jacques Rousseau

10. “By ‘Education’ I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit”. This quotation is given by

A) Rabindranath Tagore

B) Mahatma Gandhi

C) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

D) Jawaharlal Nehru

Right Answer: B) Mahatma Gandhi

11. Andragogy refers to

A) Child learning

B) Adult learning

C) Learning by going

D) Practical learning

Right Answer: B) Adult learning

12. A principle of Adult Learning is

A) Learning is Self-directed

B) Learning by doing

C) Learning by imposition

D) Learning by imitation

Right Answer: A) Learning is Self-directed

13. The curriculum reflects the culture of

A) Society

B) College

C) School

D) Home

Right Answer: A) Society

14. Which of the following is the autocratic method of teaching

A) Lecture

B) Demonstration

C) Tutorial

D) Independent study

Right Answer: D) Independent study

15. The teaching method in which students learn to do critical thinking through discussion and interaction and develop higher analytical cognitive skills is

A) Seminar

B) Symposium

C) Panel discussion

D) Lecture

Right Answer: A) Seminar

16. Which of the following is not a clinical method of teaching?

A) Case methods/case study

B) Nursing rounds and reports

C) Process recording

D) Seminar

Right Answer: D) Seminar

17. Method of teaching in which an excursion to the patient’s area is arranged to provide a learning experience to the students is

A) Case presentation

B) Nursing rounds

C) Mornings report

D) Process recording

Right Answer: B) Nursing rounds

18. A written verbatim account of a visit for the purpose of bringing out the interplay between the patient and the nurse

A) Morning report

B) Evening report

C) Case study

D) Process recording

Right Answer: D) Process recording

19. The most essential quality of an effective teacher is

A) A strict personality

B) Communication skill

C) Friendly attitude

D) Superior knowledge of the subject

Right Answer: B) Communication skill

20. Which method of teaching would be most suitable to teach nursing care of children with “Mental Retardation” for a class of 100 nursing students?

A) Group discussion

B) Lecture cum discussion

C) Problem Solving

D) Web-Based Learning

Right Answer: C) Problem Solving

21. A group of 10 people are speaking on a topic of common interest in an educational programme. This method is best known as

A) Workshop

B) Panel discussion

C) Group discussion

D) Lecture

Right Answer: C) Group discussion

22. All that is learnt during educational activities that are not a designated part of the official curriculum is known as the

A) Extra curriculum

B) Observed curriculum

C) Hidden curriculum

D) Experienced curriculum

Right Answer: C) Hidden curriculum 

23. The demonstration on “Neurological Examination” would be most useful, if done in a group of

A) 10

B) 20

C) 25

D) 30

Right Answer: A) 10

24. Which one of the following is NOT among the maxims of Tacking?

A) Analysis of synthesis

B) General to particular

C) Easy to difficult

D) Concrete to abstract

B) General to particular 

25. The lesson plan is prepared by the

A) Teacher

B) Administrator

C) Student

D) Principle

Right Answer: A) Teacher

26. Which one of the following is not a quality of a good teacher?

A) Good Motivator

B) Intolerance

C) Leadership

D) Mastery of the content

Right Answer: B) Intolerance

27. Which of the following learning domain is a skill domain?

A) Cognitive

B) Affective

C) Conative

D) None of the above

Right Answer: C) Conative

28. Which of the following learning domain influences nursing practice?

A) Cognitive and conative

B) Conative and affective

C) Affective and cognitive

D) Cognitive, conative and affective

Right Answer: D) Cognitive, conative and affective

29. The affective domain of Bloom’s taxonomy includes all, except

A) Valuing

B) Responding

C) Organization

D) Synthesis

Right Answer: D) Synthesis

30. Panel discussion method was introduced by

A) William James

B) Hasy A) Overstreet

C) W.F. Skinner

D) Jean Piaget

Right Answer: B) Hasy A) Overstreet

31. Which of the following is the first step in job evaluation?

A) Job specification

B) Job assessment

C) Job description

D) Job analysis

Right Answer: D) Job analysis

32. A nurse who integrates body-mind-spirit principles in clinical practice is known as

  1. A) Nurse Specialist
  2. B) Nurse Administrator
  3. C) Holistic nurse
  4. D) Nurse Practitioner

Right Answer: C) Holistic nurse

33. Behavioural objectives model is also referred to as

A) Process model

B) Product model

C) Interpersonal model

D) Biological model

Right Answer: B) Product model

34. Leadership style in which all the rights to make decisions is fully given to the worker is known as

A) Laissez-Fair

B) Autocratic

C) Democratic

D) Authoritarian

Right Answer: A) Laissez-Fair

35. “SWOT” analysis refers to

A) Strength, Weakness, Observation and threat

B) Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and threat

C) Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and techniques

D) Strength, Weakness, Observation and Techniques

Right Answer: B) Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and threat

36. Those institutions that are systematically organized and purposely set up is known as

A) Formal agency

B) Governmental agency

C) Service agency

D) Technical agency

Right Answer: A) Formal agency 

37. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi is an example of

A) Tertiary care teaching cum research hospital

B) General Hospital

C) Specialized Hospital

D) Corporate Hospital

Right Answer: A) Tertiary care teaching cum research hospital

38. If a Head Nurse asks her staff nurse to compile a report on the incidence of needle stick injury in the ward, which forms of communication it, will be?

A) Upward communication

B) Intrapersonal communication

C) Downward communication

D) Lateral communication

Right Answer: C) Downward communication

39. The process to decide whether the functioning of an organization is ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ is known as

A) Inspection

B) Audit

C) Quality Assurance

D) Inventory

Right Answer: C) Quality Assurance 

40. A written document which guides rationalized nursing measures is referred as

A) Policy manual

B) Procedure manual

C) Protocol

D) Services manual

Right Answer: B) Procedure manual

41 .The function of Indian Nursing Council is to

A) Arrange for university inspections of colleges in respective states

B) Financial assistance to conferences and seminars conducted by nursing colleges

C) Make policies for Nursing Education & Practice

D) Recruit nursing personnel in hospitals

Right Answer: C) Make policies for Nursing Education & Practice

42. In India, first MSc Nursing programme was started in RAK college in the year





Right Answer: A) 1959

43. Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI) was formed in the year

A) 1928

B) 1947

C) 1908

D) 1890

Right Answer: C) 1908

44. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) was established in the year

A) 1869

B) 1899

C) 1928

D) 1905

Right Answer: B) 1899

45. In India, the first four year basic Bachelor Degree nursing program was establish in

A) 1920

B) 1940


D) 1955

Right Answer: C) 1946

46. The international council or Nurses (ICNJ IS headquartered in:

A) Geneva, Switzerland

B) Washington, US

C) New York, US

D) London, UK

Right Answer: A) Geneva, Switzerland

47. Aspects of verbal communication includes

A) Vocabulary

B) Postures

C) Art and music

D) Messages within message

A) Vocabulary

48. Barriers of communication includes               

A) Information overload

B) Exploring

C) Focussing

D) Summarizing

Right Answer: A) Information overload

49. Communication is described as the “matrix for all thought and relationships between persons” said by

A) William Scott

B) Murrey and Zentner

C) GG Brown

D) WH Newman

Right Answer: B) Murrey and Zentner

50. Mental processing of the message and understanding the senders message is         

A) Decode

B) Encode

C) Feedback

D) Imagination

Right Answer: A) Decode

51. A technique whereby to repeats the main message the client has expressed is        

A) Listening

B) Restating

C) Clarification

D) Reflection

Right Answer: B) Restating

52. If a person is communication with his friend on telephone is referred as

A) Intrapersonal communication

B) Interpersonal communication

C) Media communication

D) Mass communication

B) Interpersonal communication

53. Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand is known as

A) Equivocal terms

B) Jargon

C) Technical terms

D) Code language

Right Answer: C) Technical terms

54. An automatic psychological process of receiving aural stimuli is known as

A) Listening

B) Hearing

C) Understanding

D) Speaking

Right Answer: A) Listening

55. In the communication process to encode means to

A) Convert coded language into meaning

B) Translate ideas into a code

C) Infer the jargons

D) Analyse the code

Right Answer: B) Translate ideas into a code

56. Which of the following is an example of a nonverbal communication?

A) Vernacular language

B) Smile

C) Jargon

D) Slang

Right Answer: B) Smile

57. The one who receives the message is known as

A) Encoder

B) Decoder

C) Communicator

D) Mediator

Right Answer: B) Decoder

58. Another name for interpersonal communication is

A) Mass communication

B) Face to face public communication

C) Dyadic communication

D) Virtual reality

Right Answer: C) Dyadic communication

59. Which of the following is an example of mediated communication?

A) A newscaster delivers the weather report on the 6 o’clock news

B) Two friends gossip with one another

C) Students work on the class project together

D) A politician addresses a nominating convention

Right Answer: A) A newscaster delivers the weather report on the 6 o’clock news

60. Comparing with small group communication, in organizational communication

A) Feedback is easier and more immediate

B) Communication roles are more immediate

C) Message can be better adapted to the specific needs of the receiver

D) People are closer to one another in space

Right Answer: B) Communication roles are more immediate

61. As per the principle of communication “Interpersonal communication is irreversible” means

A) Once a word goes out of your mouth you can never swallow it again

B) Once created, communication has the physical property of matter, it can’t uncreated

C) Once communication begins, it never loops back of itself

D) All of the above

Right Answer: D) All of the above

62. According to the statement “communication is interaction perspective”, feedback is

A) Never intentional

B) Sometimes unintentional

C) Always intentional

D) Seldom useful

Right Answer: B) Sometimes unintentional

63. Select the correct option from the following (a -e) for each question.

A) If only I is correct B) If only II and III are correct

C) If only I and IV are correct

D) If only I, II and IV are correct

If all are correct

A) AC B) CD C) AD D) E

Right Answer: D) E

64. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs include

A) Self-actualization

B) Self-Esteem

C) Security

Right Answer: D) Physiological

65. The key components of self-concept are characterized by

A) Self-Image

B) Self-Esteem

C) Self-Actualization

D) Ideal self

Right Answer: B) Self-Esteem

66. Effective teamwork depends on

A) Trust

B) Rewards

C) Training

D) Cooperation

Right Answer: C) Training

67. Elements of social attitude include

A) Affective

B) Physical

C) Psychological

D) Cognitive

Right Answer: B) Physical

68. Who plays a proactive role in counselling?

A) Counselee

B) Counsellor

C) Administer

D) Referee

Right Answer: A) Counselee

69. Listening in counselling is what process?

A) Passive process

B) Dual-process

C) Active process

D) Lengthy process

Right Answer: C) Active process

70. The final step of directive counselling is:

A) Prognosis

B) Synthesis

C) Follow-up

D) Diagnosis

Right Answer: C) Follow-up

71. The test that is intended to measure the learnt knowledge and skill is

A) Aptitude test

B) Achievement test

C) Ability test

D) Observation

Right Answer: B) Achievement test

72. The trustworthiness of the counsellor is termed as

A) Fidelity

B) Justice

C) Autonomy

D) Intelligence

Right Answer: A) Fidelity

73. Number of phases in the counselling process is

A) 2-3

B) 5

C) 7

D) 8

Right Answer: B) 5

74. Counselling should be done by a

A) Teacher

B) Parent

C) A trained counsellor

D) Any of the above

Right Answer: C) A trained counsellor

75. Guidance is provided by

A) Teachers

B) Parents

C) A trained guide

D) Any experienced person

Right Answer: D) Any experienced person

76. Which of these is not a convectional philosophy?

A) Idealism

B) Naturalism

C) Pragmatism

D) Existentialism

Right Answer: D) Existentialism

77. Which philosophy believes that the ultimate goal of human activities is the realization of the human mind in his or herself

A) Idealism

B) Pragmatism

C) Realism

D) Existentialism

Right Answer: A) Idealism

78. Which of the followings are not the principles of Lesson Planning?

A) Flexible

B) Mastery and adequate training on the topic

C) Active student participation

D) Single teaching method

Right Answer: D) Single teaching method

79. In which type of objectives breaking down of professional functions into components (activities) is done which together indicate the nature of the functions

A) Central

B) Specific

C) Intermediate

D) Tertiary

Right Answer: D) Tertiary

80. Which of the followings is not be maxims of teaching

A) Known to unknown

B) Complex to simple

C) Concrete to abstract

D) Analysis to synthesis

Right Answer: B) Complex to simple

81. The professional body responsible for the recognition and monitoring of Nursing colleges in India is

A) Trained Nurses Association of India

B) Indian Nursing Council

C) National Institute of Health and Family Welfare

D) World Health Organization

Right Answer: B) Indian Nursing Council

82. On the job instruction that is given to staff nurses to improve their performance is known as

A) Induction training

B) In-services education

C) Job stimulation

D) Bridging course

Right Answer: B) In-services education

83. As per INC recommendation, the ideal Nurse: Patient ratio in Hospital General Ward should be

A) 1:1

B) 1:5

C) 1:10

D) 1:15

Right Answer: B) 1:5

84. As per the Staff Inspection Unit (SIU), the recommended Nurse: Patient ratio in a Hospital General Ward should be

A) 1:2

B) 1:5

C) 1:6

D) 1:10

Right Answer: C) 1:6

85. All of the following activities are a part of the Staff Recruitment Process, except

A) Advertisement and Interview

B) Guidance and Counselling

C) Selection and Training

D) Interview and Selection

Right Answer: B) Guidance and Counselling

86. The nurse leans towards the patient in the communication to

A) Maintain eye contact

B) To comfort the patient

C) Show genuine interest

D) Show courtesy

Right Answer: C) Show genuine interest

87. Non-verbal communication includes

A) Phrases

B) Gestures

C) Information

D) Words

Right Answer: B) Gestures

88. The communication phase that is facilitated by knowledge of the patients is known as

A) Message heard

B) Thinking of a message

C) Decoding the message

D) All of the above

Right Answer: C) Decoding the message

89. When comparing the characteristics of a leader and a manager, the manager does the not have

A) Responsibility

B) Subordinates

C) Followers

D) Formal authority

Right Answer: C) Followers

90. Which of the following functions the LEAST important to a nurse manager?

A) Decision making

B) Manipulating people

C) Monitoring subordinates

D) Effective leading

Right Answer: B) Manipulating people

91. The planning cycle includes all of the following except

A) Developing a plan

B) Designing the job

C) Evaluating the plan

D) Determining the indicators of monitoring and evaluation

Right Answer: B) Designing the job

92. Human resource planning does not include

A) Staff appraisal

B) Demand forecasting

C) Supply forecasting

D) Preparing a plan of action

Right Answer: A) Staff appraisal

93. All of the following are the skills required by a supervisor, except

A) Problem-solving

B) Decision making

C) Manipulating employees

D) Planning, organizing and staffing

Right Answer: C) Manipulating employees

94. Evaluation is done

A) At the end of the programme

B) At regular intervals

C) By drawing a comparison, between planning and achievement

D) To determine whether the policy is being correctly implemented

Right Answer: B) At regular intervals

95. The cost covering the salaries of the staff, and machinery/equipment is termed as

A) Total cost

B) Flexible cost

C) Operative cost

D) Fixed cost

Right Answer: D) Fixed cost

96. What is the most popular economic evaluation tool used for programme priority setting?

A) Risk-benefit analysis

B) Cost-efficiency analysis

C) Cost-benefit analysis

D) Cost-Analysis

Right Answer: C) Cost-benefit analysis

97. The type of budget that compares the performance of the activities with the budget utilization is known as

A) Operating budget

B) Utilization of budget

C) Programme performance budget

D) Incentive budget

Right Answer: C) Programme performance budget

98. The type of budgeting technique that requires items to be justified from the beginning without regarding the expenditure in the past is called

A) Incremental budgeting

B) Operating budgeting

C) Rolling budget

D) Zero-based budgeting

Right Answer: D) Zero-based budgeting

99. Which of the following attributes is least likely to because of conflict in administration?

A) Authority

B) Needs

C) Perception

D) Power

Right Answer: A) Authority

100. A team member who does not want to contribute out of a fear of making is referred to as

A) Pleaser

B) Passive member

C) Criticiser

D) Performing

Right Answer: B) Passive member